I love the four seasons we have in the midwest!
I grew up in MN and learned to love them all!! I’m grateful to my parents because they never complained about the seasons. In fact they helped us to enjoy them all and even encouraged us to enjoy being outside no matter what the weather was like. It makes me so grateful for their encouragement and the pleasure I have in being outside no matter what the weather is like.When I think about the word “season”, the first thing that always come to mind is weather related. But how about the seasons in our life?From college classes I knew that there are stages in our life that we go through. From Jr high to high school to college to a job etc. Then age related stages from teens to being in your 20’s and so on until you are senior citizen.
I've been challenged...
I have been challenged lately to think about “seasons” in terms of my work. My job being in a season and the season could be changing.I tend to think that when I am in a job that I must stay in that job. If something is churning inside me, it has more to do with me than the job or a change of “season”. Right away it brought fear because I didn’t know what that next season was.When challenged with this thought of maybe a “season” changing, I brought this to God. What did He think? Could something be changing “season” wise? I believe that you can hear God’s voice, Right away I didn’t hear anything. What was going on inside though was more and more discontent.
I came across...
I came across a verse that made me think a little deeper. It is Psalm 16:11 - You will make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.What I felt inside was that I had to take some sort of step either to stay or step into the unknown and quiet the churning inside. Really step into a different “season”. Scary!
Didn't know the path...
I didn’t know the path, but I was trusting that God would direct me. I was going to trust that He make the path known.So with fear and anxiety I stepped into a new “season” and it has filled me with joy. Not right away, but as the weeks have gone on I am convinced that this was the new “season” that I was suppose to step into and I am finding more joy than I could have ever imagined.When i think about the word seasons i still think first think about weather, but now there is so much more personally that this word means. I’m not afraid when the weather changes and I am less afraid when I feel like God is changing a “season” in my life as well.
How about YOU?
What season of life are you in?