Something is about to CHANGE

Have you ever had a nagging thought that something has to change in my job or I need to make a change?

I loved the people I worked with and I enjoyed doing some of the things that I did at my job, but about a year ago I had this thought. In fact it was so strong that I was losing the joy of working.

I enjoyed working...

I enjoyed working with the people I was working with. We were a team. So why was I not content with the work that I was doing? I asked myself these questions at the beginning of each week Then I would give myself a pep talk about all the things that I liked about my job. It didn’t work, because every week I was becoming more and more discontent.About 5 months prior to this I started getting some success coaching. One thing I realized is that even at my age I still have hopes and dreams. I was learning and growing and developing and was very challenged and I liked that.In the months that I was getting some coaching, I was beginning to realize that in my current job I was not growing and there wasn’t a future for me. I had come to the end of the job that I was in.

It was hard...

It was hard to come to this conclusion, because I wanted to believe that if I just hung on that things would change. In reality things weren’t changing and I had come to a fork in the road. Either stay and deny what I was feeling or be honest and put in my notice.I prayed about it and put in my notice. I am looking back about a year later and I made the right decision. I listened to my heart and took a step of faith.

Are there CHANGES for YOU?

If you are sensing that a change is coming or needed, I’d love for us to talk.
