Are you feeling like CHANGES are coming?
“Somethings will not be the same.Some things are only for a season.”A lyric from the song,See the light, by Toby Mac.
Do you feel like things are changing everyday in this pandemic and it is hard to keep up with the changes?I sure do!At first I was all in.I had the “I can do this” mentality. Then as changes kept happening and the deadlines kept moving, I found myself a little more resistant.I thought this pandemic was temporary and I was slowly coming to the conclusion, as we all were, that it is not.
So I asked myself...
So I had to ask myself the question of what do I do with this?What is at the core?Why is this getting so hard?
I know that one thing is that I don’t know what tomorrow is going to be like, just like next week.Often when they talk about the future, like the fall, they give 3 ideas of how it will look, but no conclusion.How could we have known that normal felt so good!
I often feel as though...
I often feel as though I have made the change for today, but tomorrow it might be a new set of changes and I’m not sure I like it.I find myself longing for stability and things not changing.Sometimes I wonder if I have a picture of what a new season looks like.
I remember when our youngest child was graduating from high school and going into the Air Force.We had had a great year together.My husband had traveled a lot my son’s senior year and so it often was just the two of us.He had his life, but it was comforting knowing that he would be back in our house each night.We had already had 3 others leave the nest, but it felt so emotional having our last one leave.I didn’t want things to change, but I also knew that I was not going to hold him back.So I literally felt like I had some choices to make.Either stay stuck in the emotions I was feeling or make a choice to do something.But what was that?With prayer, talking to my husband and writing down some things that I would like to learn, I took a step and signed up for aclass. The results of that class, was that it set in motion a desire to keep growing and keep trying new things and even though things didn’t always turn perfectly to keep going.
Some changes I like, but some I don’t because it might mean that it will never be the way that it was.As I look back, even though I didn’t want things to change in our home, I can say that I am glad that they did. I never would have made the steps I did to make a positive change.
How about YOU?
How about you, tell me a time when you were facing change and you took a step.